Question 2.5.13: Estimate the solutions of |0.14x²-13.72|>|0.58x|+11...

Estimate the solutions of


Question Data is a breakdown of the data given in the question above.

Equation: |0.14x²-13.72|>|0.58x|+11

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The "Step-by-Step Answer Explanation" refers to a detailed and sequential breakdown of the solution or reasoning behind the answer. This comprehensive explanation walks through each step of the answer, offering you clarity and understanding.
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Step 1:
To solve the inequality, we first assign the functions ...
Step 2:
To begin, we choose a viewing rectangle of [-30,30] by ...
Step 3:
Using an intersect feature, we find that the graphs int...
Step 4:
Therefore, the solution to the inequality ABS(0.14x^2-1...

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