Question 4.SP.10: Gate current is negligible for the p-channel JFET of Fig. 4-......

Gate current is negligible for the p-channel JFET of Fig. 4-17. If V_{DD} = -20  \text{V},  I_{DSS} = -10  \text{mA},  I_{DQ} = -8  \text{mA},  V_{p0} = -4  \text{V},  R_S = 0, and R_D = 1.5  kΩ, find    (a) V_{GG} and   (b) V_{DSQ}.

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(a)    Solving (4.2) for v_{GS} and substituting Q-point conditions yield

i_D = I_{DSS} \left( 1 + \frac{v_{GS}}{V_{p0}} \right)^2              (4.2)
V_{GSQ} = V_{p0} \left[ \left(\frac{I_{DQ}}{I_{DSS}} \right)^{1/2}  –  1 \right] = -4 \left[ \left(\frac{-8}{-10} \right)^{1/2}  –  1 \right] = 0.422  \text{V}

With negligible gate current, KVL requires that V_{GG} = V_{GSQ} = 0.422  \text{V}.

(b)    Applying KVL around the drain-source loop gives
V_{DSQ} = V_{DD}  –  I_{DQ}R_D = (-20)  –  (-8 × 10^{-3})(1.5 × 10^{3}) = -8  \text{V}

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