Using SPICE methods, determine the CB collector characteristics for the generic pnp transistor (QPNPG).
Figure 3-7(a) shows the circuit for use in the determination. The netlist code below describes that circuit.
Ex3_4.CIR Ie 0 1 0mA Q 2 0 1 QPNPG Vcb 2 0 0V .MODEL QPNPG pnp(Is=10fA Ikf=150mA Isc=10fA Bf=150 + Br=3 Rb=1ohm Rc=1ohm Va=30V Cjc=10pF Cje=15pF) .DC Vcb 1V -15V 1V Ie 0mA 100mA 10mA .PROBE .END |
Execution of 〈Ex3_4.CIR〉 and use of the Probe feature of PSpice results in the desired CB collector characteristics of Fig. 3-7(b).