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Question 8.23: A current source delivering i(t) = 240 cos (500t) mA is conn......

A current source delivering i(t) = 240 cos (500t) mA is connected across a parallel combination of a 1-kΩ resistor and a 2-µF capacitor. Find the steady-state current i_R(t) through the resistor and the steady-state current i_C(t) through the capacitor. Draw a phasor diagram showing \rm{I}, \rm{I}_{\mathrm{C}} and \rm{I}_{\mathrm{R}}.

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This problem can be solved by converting to the phasor domain, using current division, and then
converting back to the time domain. The following MATLAB code completes the calculations.

The 'Blue Check Mark' means that either the MATLAB code/script/answer provided in the answer section has been tested by our team of experts; or the answer in general has be fact checked.

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Script File

clear all
w = 500;
R = 1e3;
C = 2e-6;
% Create the source phasor
Is = 240e-3*exp(0*j*pi/180);
% Create the capacitor impedance
ZC = 1/j/w/C;
% Use current division to find the resistor current
IR = Is/R/(1/R+1/ZC);
MagIR = abs(IR)
PhaseIR = angle(IR)*180/pi
% Use current division to find the capacitor current
IC = Is/ZC/(1/R+1/ZC);
MagIC = abs(IC)
PhaseIC = angle(IC)*180/pi
% Verify KCL holds
CheckKCL = Is-IR-IC
MagIR =
PhaseIR =
MagIC =
PhaseIC =
CheckKCL =
13.8778e-018 - 13.8778e-018i
% Create the phasor plot
axis(0.25*[-1 1 -1 1])
line([-100 100],[0 0],...
line([0 0],[-100 100],...
grid on
hold on


\begin{aligned}& i_{\mathrm{R}}(t)=169.7 \cos \left(500 t-45^{\circ}\right) \mathrm{mA} .\\ \\& i_{\mathrm{C}}(t)=169.7 \cos \left(500 t+45^{\circ}\right) \mathrm{mA} .\end{aligned}

fig 8.23

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