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Question 16.20: A load is rated at 440 V(rms), 30 A(rms), and 10 kW. Find th......

A load is rated at 440 V(rms), 30 A(rms), and 10 kW. Find the average power delivered to the load when the load voltage is 450 V(rms).

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Use MATLAB to perform the calculations

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Script File

clear all
Vrated = 440;
Irated = 30;
Prated = 10e3;
% Find the rated power factor
pf = Prated/Vrated/Irated;
% Find the load impedance
ZL = Vrated/Irated*(pf + j*sqrt(1-pf^2));
% Apply a voltage of 450 V(rms)
Vnew = 450;
SL = abs(Vnew)^2/conj(ZL);
Pavg = real(SL)
Pavg =

P_{\mathrm{L}}=10.4597 \mathrm{~kW}.

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