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Question 13.14: A room is at atmospheric pressure, 101 kPa, and a temperatur......

A room is at atmospheric pressure, 101 kPa, and a temperature of 293 K. If the air from the room is drawn into a 100-mm-diameter pipe isentropically, such that it has an absolute pressure of p_1 = 80 kPa as it enters the pipe, determine the mass flow and the stagnation temperature and stagnation pressure at the location L = 0.9 m. The average friction factor is f = 0.03. Also, what is the total friction force acting on this 0.9-m length of pipe?

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Fluid Description.   We assume that adiabatic steady compressible (Fanno) flow occurs along the pipe.

Mass Flow.   The mass flow can be determined at the entrance to the pipe using \dot{m}  =  \rho_1 V_1 A_1, but we must first determine V_1 and \rho_1. Since the flow into the pipe is isentropic, and the pressure is p_1 = 80 kPa, while the stagnation pressure is p_0 = 101 kPa, we can determine the Mach number of the air and its temperature at the entrance using Eq. 13–27 and Eq. 13–26.

\frac{p_1}{p_0}  =  \frac{80  kPa}{101  kPa}  =  0.792

M_1  =  0.5868     and       \frac{T_1}{T_0}  =  0.93557

Therefore, T_1 = 0.93557 (293 K) = 274.12 K, and so V_1  =  M_1\sqrt{kRT_1}  =  0.5868 \sqrt{1.4 (286.9  J/kg . K) (274.12 K)}
= 194.71 m/s
Using the ideal gas law to obtain \rho_1, we have
p_1  =  \rho_1 RT_1;             80(10^3)  Pa  =  \rho_1 (286.9 J/kg . K) (274.12 K)

\rho_1  =  1.0172  kg/m^3
The mass flow along the pipe is then

\dot{m}  =  \rho_1 V_1 A_1  =  (1.0172  kg/m^3) (194.71  m/s^2)[\pi (0.05  m)^2]


\dot{m} = 1.5556 kg/s = 1.56 kg/s
Stagnation Temperature and Pressure.   Because the flow is adiabatic through the pipe, the stagnation temperature remains constant at (T_0)_2  =  (T_0)_1 =  293 K

Friction will change the stagnation pressure throughout the pipe because the flow is nonisentropic. We can determine (p_0)_2 at L = 0.9 m by using Eq. 13–51 (or Table B–2). First, however, we must find the length L_{max} needed to choke the flow. Using M_1 = 0.5868, Eq. 13–45 gives fL_{max}/D = 0.03L_{max}/0.1 = 0.5455, and so L_a{max} = 1.8183 m.
At this location, Eqs. 13–48, 13–51, and 13–50 give

\frac{V_1}{V^*}  =  0.6218;            V^*  =  \frac{194.71  m/s}{0.6218}  =  313.16  m/s


\frac{(p_0)_1}{p_0^*}  =  1.2043;            p_0^*  =  \frac{101  kPa}{1.2043}  =  83.87  kPa


\frac{V_1}{V^*}  =  1.8057;            p^*  =  \frac{80  kPa}{1.8057}  =  44.30  kPa

Since L_{max} locates the critical point, then at section 2, Fig. 13–30a, fL’/D = 0.03(1.8183 m – 0.9 m)/0.1 m = 0.27548. From Eq. 13–45, M = 0.6690, and then from Eq. 13–51 the stagnation pressure at this location is

\frac{(p_0)_2}{p_0^*}  =  1.1188;            (p_0)_2  =  = 1.1188(83.87  kPa) = 93.8  kPa

Friction Force. The resultant friction force is obtained using the momentum equation applied to the free-body diagram of the control volume, shown in Fig. 13–30b. First we must determine the static pressure p_2 and the velocity V_2 at fL’/D = 0.27548,

\frac{p_2}{p^*}  =  1.5689;           p_2  =  1.5689(44.30  kPa)  =  69.51  kPa


\frac{p_2}{p^*}  =  0.7021;                V_2 = 0.7021(313.16  m/s)  =  219.86  m/s


\overset{+}{\rightarrow }  ∑F=  \frac{∂}{∂t} \int_{cv} V_{\rho}  d \sout{V}  +  \int_{cs}  V_{\rho}  V_{f/cs} ·  dA -F_f  +  p_1  A  –  p_2  A  =  0  +  V_2 \dot{m}  +  V_1  (-\dot{m}) -F_f  +  [80(10^3)  N/m^2 ] [\pi (0.05  m)^2 ]  –  [69.51(10^3)  N/m^2 ]  [\pi (0.05  m)^2]

= 0 + 1.5556 kg/s (219.86 m/s – 194.71 m/s)
F_f = 43.3 N

fig 13-30a
fig 13-30b

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