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Question 13.12: Air enters the 30-mm-diameter pipe with a velocity of 153 m/......

Air enters the 30-mm-diameter pipe with a velocity of 153 m/ s, and a temperature of 300 K, Fig. 13–28. If the average friction factor is f = 0.040, determine how long, L_{max}, the pipe should be so that sonic flow occurs at the exit. Also, what is the velocity of the air in the pipe at the exit L_{max}, and at the location L = 0.8 m?

fig 13-28
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Fluid Description.   We assume that adiabatic steady compressible (Fanno) flow occurs along the pipe.
Maximum Pipe Length.   The critical length, L_{max}, is determined using Eq. 13–45 \frac{fL_{max}}{D}=\frac{1-M^2}{kM^2}+\frac{k+1}{2k}ln[\frac{[\frac{1}{2}(k+1)]M^2}{1+[\frac{1}{2}(k-1)M^2}] or Table B–2.* First we need to determine the initial Mach number.

V  =  M \sqrt{kRT};                        153  m/s  =  M_1 \sqrt{1.4 (286.9  J/kg . K) (300  K)}

M_1 = 0.4408 < 1 subsonic flow
Using Eq. 13–45 or Table B–2, we get (f/D) (L_{max})   = 1.6817, so that
L_{max} =  (\frac{0.03  m} {0.040}) (1.6817)  =  1.2613  m  =  1.26  m
At this exit M = 1. The velocity of the gas is determined from Eq. 13–48 \frac{V}{V^*}=\frac{M\sqrt{KRT}}{(1)\sqrt{KRT^*}}=M[\frac{\frac{1}{2}(k+1)}{1+\frac{1}{2}(k11)M^2}] or from the tabulated ratio for M_1 = 0.4408. The result is
V* = 322.98 m/s = 323 m/s

Flow Properties at L = 0.8 m.   Since the equations (and table) are referenced from the critical location, we must calculate (f/D)L from this location, Fig. 13–28. Thus,

\frac{f}{D} L`  =  \frac{0.04}{0.03  m}(1.2613  m  –  0.8  m)  =  0.6150

This time using the table with interpolated values of the ratio for V/V*, we have

V  =  \frac{V}{V*} V*  =  (0.6133)(322.98  m/s)  =  198  m/s

As the air travels 0.8 m down the pipe, notice how the velocity has increased from 153 m/s to 196 m/s. As an exercise, show that the
temperature decreases from 300 K to 293 K at 0.8 m. The values of V and T follow the trend shown by the curves in Fig. 13–26.
*More accurate results can be obtained from the equation or from an Internet website, rather than using linear interpolation from the table.

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