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Question 13.11: Air flows through the 100-mm-diameter pipe in Fig. 13–23 hav......

Air flows through the 100-mm-diameter pipe in Fig. 13–23 having an absolute pressure of p_1 = 90 kPa. Determine the diameter d at the end of the nozzle so that isentropic flow occurs out of the nozzle at M_2 = 0.7. The air within the pipe is taken from a large reservoir at standard atmospheric pressure and temperature.

fig 13-23
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Fluid Description.   We assume steady isentropic flow through the nozzle.
Analysis.   The diameter d can be determined from continuity of the mass flow, which requires
\dot{m}  =  \rho_1 V_1 A_1  =  \rho_2 V_2 A_2                                     (1)
We must first find M_1 and then find the densities and velocities at 1 and 2.
The stagnation values for atmospheric air are determined from Appendix A [ table A.1 , table A.2 , table A.3 , table A.4 , table A.5 ] as p_0 = 101.3 kPa,T_0 = 15°C, and \rho_0 = 1.23 kg /m³.
Knowing p_1 and p_0, we can now determine M_1 at the entrance 1 of the nozzle using Eq. 13–27.

p_0  =  p_1 (1  +  \frac{k  –  1}{2} M_1^2) ^{k/(k – 1)} 101.3  kPa  =  (90  kPa) (1  +  (\frac{1.4  –  1}{2}) M_1^2)^{1.4/(1.4 – 1)}

M_1 = 0.4146
As expected, M_1 < M_2 = 0.7.
Applying Eq. 13–26 to find the temperatures at the entrance and exit, we have

T_0  =  T_1 (1  +  \frac{k  –  1}{2} M_1^2) (273  +  15) K  =  T_1(1  +  (\frac{1.4  –  1}{2})(0.4146)^2]

T_1 = 278.43 K


T_0  =  T_2 (1  +  \frac{k  –  1}{2} M_2^2) (273  +  15) K  =  T_2(1  +  (\frac{1.4  –  1}{2})(0.7)^2]

T_2 = 262.30  K

Thus, the velocities at the entrance and exit are
V_1  =  M_1\sqrt{kRT_1}  =  (0.4146)\sqrt {1.4 (286.9  J/kg · K) (278.4  K)}= 138.63 m/s

V_2  =  M_2\sqrt{kRT_2}  =  (0.7)\sqrt{1.4 (286.9  J/kg · K) (262.3  K)}  =  227.21  m/s
The density of the air at the entrance and exit of the nozzle is determined using Eq. 13–28. \rho _0  =  \rho(1  +  \frac{k  –  1}{2} M_1^2)^{1/(k-1)}

\rho _0  =  \rho_1 (1  +  \frac{k  –  1}{2} M_1^2)                                1.23  kg/m^3  =  \rho_1 [1  +  \frac{1.4  –  1}{2} (0.4146)^2]^{1/(1.4 – 1)}


\rho_1  =  1.1304  kg/m^3


\rho _0  =  \rho_2 (1  +  \frac{k  –  1}{2} M_2^2)                                1.23  kg/m^3  =  \rho_2 [1  +  \frac{1.4  –  1}{2} (0.7)^2]^{1/(1.4 – 1)}


\rho_2  =  0.9736  kg/m^3


Finally, applying Eq. 1,
\rho_1 V_1 A_1  = \rho_2 V_2 A_2
(1.1304  kg/m^3) (138.63  m/s) [\pi (0.05  m)^2]  =  (0.9736  kg/m^3) (227.21 m/s) \pi (\frac{d}{2})^2
d = 84.2 mm

We can also solve this problem in a direct manner using Table B–1, even though subsonic flow occurs at the end of the nozzle. To do so, we will make reference to a phantom extension of the nozzle, where M = 1 and A = A*, and then relate the area ratios A_1 for M_1 = 0.4146 and A_2 for M_2 = 0.7 to this reference.

\frac{A_2}{A_1}  =  \frac{A_2/A^*}{A_1/A^*}


A_2  =  A_1 (\frac{A_2/A^*}{A_1/A^*})

Using Table B–1, we therefore have

\frac{1}{4} \pi d^2  =  \pi (0.05)^2  (\frac{1.0944}{1.5451})

d = 84.2 mm

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