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Question 7.2.7: Determine the spectral projectors for A = (1 −4 −4 8 −11 −8 ......

Determine the spectral projectors for A = \begin{pmatrix}1 &−4& −4\\ 8 &−11& −8\\ −8 &8& 5\end{pmatrix}.

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This is the diagonalizable matrix from Example 7.2.1 (p. 507). Since there are two distinct eigenvalues, λ_1 = 1  and  λ_2 = −3, there are two spectral projectors,

G_1 = the projector onto N (A − 1I) along R(A − 1I),

G_2 = the projector onto N (A + 3I) along R(A + 3I).

There are several different ways to find these projectors.

1. Compute bases for the necessary nullspaces and ranges, and use (5.9.12).

P = [X  |  0]  [X  |  Y]^{-1} = [X  |  Y] \begin{pmatrix}I&0\\0&0\end{pmatrix}[X  |  Y]^{-1},                (5.9.12)

2. Compute G_i = X_iY^T_i as described in (7.2.11).

A = PDP^{−1} = \left(X_1 | X_2 | · · · | X_k\right) \begin{pmatrix}λ_1I& 0& · · ·& 0\\ 0 &λ_2I& · · ·& 0\\ \vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\ 0 &0& · · ·& λ_kI\end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix}Y^T_1\\\hline Y^T_2\\\hline \vdots\\\hline Y^T_k\end{pmatrix}(7.2.11)

The required computations are essentially the same as those needed above. Since much of the work has already been done in Example 7.2.1, let’s complete the arithmetic. We have

P = \begin{pmatrix}\begin{array}{c | c c}1 &1& 1\\ 2 &1& 0\\ −2 &0& 1 \end{array}\end{pmatrix} = \left(X_1  |  X_2\right),  P^{-1} = \begin{pmatrix}1 &−1& −1\\\hline −2 &3& 2\\ 2 &−2& −1\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix}\frac{Y^T_1}{Y^T_2}\end{pmatrix},


G_1 = X_1Y^T_1 = \begin{pmatrix}1 &−1& −1\\ 2 &−2& −2\\ −2 &2& 2 \end{pmatrix},  G_2 = X_2Y^T_2 = \begin{pmatrix}0 &1& 1\\ −2 &3& 2\\ 2 &−2& −1\end{pmatrix}.

Check that these are correct by confirming the validity of (7.2.7)–(7.2.10).

A = λ_1G_1 + λ_2G_2 +  ·  ·  ·  + λ_kG_k,                           (7.2.7)

G_i is the projector onto N (A  −  λ_iI) along R (A  −  λ_iI).                 (7.2.8)

G_i G_j = 0   whenever   i ≠ j.                        (7.2.9)

G_1 +G_2 +  ·  ·  ·  +G_k = I.                                          (7.2.10)

3. Since λ_1 = 1 is a simple eigenvalue, (7.2.12) may be used to compute G_1 from any pair of associated right-hand and left-hand eigenvectors x and y^T.

G = xy^∗ / y^∗ x                                      (7.2.12)

Of course, P and P^{−1} are not needed to determine such a pair, but since P and P^{−1} have been computed above, we can use X_1  and  Y^T_1 to make the point that any right-hand and left-hand eigenvectors associated with λ_1 = 1 will do the job because they are all of the form x = αX_1  and  y^T = βY^T_1 for α ≠ 0 ≠ β. Consequently,

G_1 = \frac{xy^T}{y^T x} = \frac{α \begin{pmatrix}1\\2\\-2\end{pmatrix} β  (1    −1    −1 )}{αβ} = \begin{pmatrix}1 &−1& −1\\ 2 &−2 &−2\\ −2 &2 &2\end{pmatrix}.

Invoking (7.2.10) yields the other spectral projector as G_2 = I  −  G_1.

4. An even easier solution is obtained from the spectral theorem by writing

A  −  I = (1G_1  −  3G_2)  −  (G_1 + G_2) = −4G_2,

A + 3I = (1G_1  −  3G_2) + 3(G_1 + G_2) = 4G_1,

so that

G_1 = \frac{(A + 3I)}{4}   and  G_2 = \frac{−(A  −  I)}{4}.

Can you see how to make this rather ad hoc technique work in more general situations?

5. In fact, the technique above is really a special case of a completely general formula giving each G_i as a function A and λ_i as

G_i = \frac{\prod\limits^{k}_{\substack{j=1\\j≠i}} (A  −  λ_jI)}{\prod\limits^{k}_{\substack{j=1\\j≠i}} (λ_i  −  λ_j)}.

This “interpolation formula” is developed on p. 529.

Below is a summary of the facts concerning diagonalizability.

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