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Question C.2: Find the ratio of the radius r to the height h of a cylinder......

Find the ratio of the radius r to the height h of a cylinder which maximizes its total surface area subject to the constraint that its volume is constant.

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The volume V = πr²h and area A = 2πrh + 2πr², so we consider the function F given by

F = A + λV,            (C.92)

and solve

\frac{∂F }{∂h}  = 2πr + λπr² = 0 ,           (C.93)

\frac{∂F }{∂r}  = 2πh + 4πr + 2λπrh = 0 ,           (C.94)

which yields λ = −2/r and hence h = 2 r.