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Question 13.5: Nitrogen flows isentropically through the pipe in Fig. 13–10......

Nitrogen flows isentropically through the pipe in Fig. 13–10 such that its gage pressure is p = 200 kPa, the temperature is 80°C, and the velocity is 150 m/s. Determine the stagnation temperature and stagnation pressure for this gas. The atmospheric pressure is 101.3 kPa.

fig 13-10
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Fluid Description.   The Mach number for the flow is first determined. The speed of sound for nitrogen at T = (273 + 80) K = 353 K is

c  =  \sqrt{kRT}  =  \sqrt{1.40 (296.8  J/kg · K)(353  K)}  =  383.0  m/s


M  =  \frac{V}{c}  =  \frac{150  m/s}{383.0  m/s}  =  0.3917  <  1

Here we have steady subsonic compressible flow.
Stagnation Temperature.   Applying Eq. 13–26, we have

T_0  =  T(1 +  \frac{k  –  1}{2} M^2)  =  (353  K)(1  +  \frac{1.4  –  1}{2} (0.3917)^2)

T_0 = 363.8 K = 364 K

Stagnation Pressure.   The static pressure p = 200 kPa is measured relative to the flow. Applying Eq. 13–27 and reporting the result as an absolute stagnation pressure, we have

p_0  =  p(1  +  \frac{k  –  1}{2} M^2)^{k/(k – 1)}


p_0  =  [(101.3  +  200) kPa] (1  +  \frac{1.4  –  1}{2} (0.3917)^2)^{1.4/(1.4 – 1)}

p_0 = 334.91 kPa = 335 kPa
Since k = 1.4 for nitrogen, these values for T_0 and p_0 can also be determined by using Table B–1 with linear interpolation. For example, the temperature ratio in Table B–1 is determined as follows: M = 0.39, T/T_0 = 0.9705, and M = 0.40, T/T_0 = 0.9690. Therefore,
for M = 0.3917

\frac{0.4  –  0.39}{0.4  –  0.3917}  =  \frac{0.9690  –  0.9705}{0.9690  –  T/T_{0}}

0.9690 – T/T_0 = -0.001251
T/T_0 = 0.97025

T_0  =  \frac{353  k}{0.97025}  =  363.82  K  =  364  K

NOTE: Because we have an isentropic process, realize there will be no change in the entropy. This can be shown by applying Eq. 13–15.

s  –  s_0  =  c_p  \ln \frac{T}{T_0}  –  R  \ln \frac{p}{p_0}


\Delta s  =  [\frac{1.4 (296.8  J/kg · K)}{1.4  –  1}] \ln (\frac{353  K}{363.82  K})  –  (296.8  J/kg · K) \ln (\frac{301.3  kPa}{334.9  kPa})


\Delta s  =  0

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