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Question 8.52: The dependent source circuit in Figure P8-52 is operating in......

The dependent source circuit in Figure P8-52 is operating in the sinusoidal steady state with ω = 1 krad/s and µ = 100. Find the phasor gain K=\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{O}} / \mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{S}} and the input impedance Z_{\mathrm{IN}} seen by {V}_{\mathrm{S}}. Validate your answer using OrCAD.

fig 8.52
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Use node-voltage analysis to determine expressions for the voltages in the circuit and then find the input-output ratio. Once we know the voltages, we can also compute the input impedance. The solution using MATLAB is presented below.

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Script File

clear all
syms Vs Vo Vx V1
mu = 100;
Eqn1 = (V1-Vs)/10e3 + (V1-Vx)/10e3 + (V1-mu*Vx)/(-10e3j);
Eqn2 = (Vx-V1)/10e3 + Vx/(-10e3j);
Soln = solve(Eqn1,Eqn2,V1,Vx);
Vx = Soln.Vx;
Vo = mu*Vx;
K = double(Vo/Vs)
MagK = abs(K)
PhaseK = angle(K)*180/pi
% Compute the input impedance
V1 = Soln.V1;
Is = (Vs-V1)/10e3;
Zin = double(simplify(Vs/Is))
K =
0.0000e+000 + 1.0309e+000i
MagK =
PhaseK =
Zin =
9.8969e+003 +100.9891e+000i

Verify the MATLAB results using OrCAD. First compute the capacitance at ω = 1 krad/s.

% Compute the capacitance
w = 1e3;
wC = 1/10e3;
C = wC/w
C =

The required circuit is shown below.

The results are shown below.

FREQ           VM(N05696,0) VP(N05696,0) VR(N05696,0) VI(N05696,0)
1.592E+02     1.031E+00        9.000E+01       1.227E-11        1.031E+00

1.592E+02     1.010E-04        -5.846E-01     1.010E-04       -1.031E-06

We can compute the input impedance by taking the ratio of the input voltage to the input current. The input voltage is 1 ∠0° V.

% Compute input impedance
Iin2 = 1.01e-4 - 1.031e-6j;
Zin2 = 1/Iin2
Zin2 =
9.9000e+003 +101.0580e+000i

The OrCAD results agree with the MATLAB calculations.

\begin{aligned}& K=\rm{V}_{\mathrm{O}} / \mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{S}}=j 1.0309=1.0309 ~\angle ~90^{\circ}. \\\\& Z_{\mathrm{IN}}=9.8969+j 0.101 ~\mathrm{k} \Omega.\end{aligned}

fig 8.52A

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