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Question 36.2: What is the electron degeneracy pressure for relativistic el......

What is the electron degeneracy pressure for relativistic electrons?

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The Fermi energy is now

E_{F} = p_{F} c,            (36.13)

and the average internal energy density is

u =\frac{3}{4} nE_{F} =\frac{3c\hbar }{4} (3π^{2} )^{1/3} n^{4/3} .          (36.14)

The pressure p_{electron} now follows from eqn 25.21 and is

p =\frac{u}{3},          (25.21)

p =\frac{u}{3} =\frac{c\hbar }{4} (3π^{2} )^{1/3} n^{4/3} .           (36.15)

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