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Algorithms and Programming: Problems and Solutions
Question: 14.2.4
Assume that an LR(0)-grammar is given. Prove that each string has at most one rightmost derivation. Give an algorithm that checks whether the input string is derivable. ...
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Assume that an arbitrary input string is given. We...
Question: 10.2.3
as we said, the difficulty appears because there are several possible positions of the pattern; each position corresponds to some prefix of the pattern that is also a suffix of the input string. The finite automaton remembers only the longest one. What about others? ...
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The longest prefix-suffix X determines all other p...
Question: 10.2.1
Can the previous algorithm be used for any other string instead of abcd? ...
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A problem arises when the pattern contains repetit...
Question: 12.2.4
A leaf is added to or deleted from a balanced tree. Prove that it is possible to make the tree balanced again using several rotations and that the number of rotations does not exceed the tree height. ...
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We prove the more general statement: Lemma. If a s...
Question: 14.4.7
Find and prove the connection between the notions of LR(0)-coherence and LR(1)-coherence. ...
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Assume that a grammar is fixed. The string S of te...
Question: 14.4.6
For any LR(1)-grammar, construct an algorithm that checks if a given string is derivable in the grammar. ...
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As before, at each stage of the LR-process we can ...
Question: 14.4.5
Give the definition of the shift/reduce and shift/shift conflicts in the LR(1)-case. ...
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Assume that a grammar is fixed. Let S be an arbitr...
Question: 14.4.4
Show how to compute inductively the set State(S) of all situations coherent with a given string S. ...
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(1) If a string S is coherent with a situation [K ...
Question: 14.4.3
How to modify the definition of a string coherent with a situation? ...
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The string S (of terminals and nonterminals) is co...
Question: 14.4.2
How should we modify the definition of a situation? ...
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Now a situation is defined as a pair [situation in...
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