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Electric Circuits
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
Question: D.6
Find current i in the circuit in Fig. D.41. ...
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Recall that 20 sin 2t = 20 cos (2t − 90°) and that...
Question: D.7
For the RC circuit shown in Fig. D.44, obtain the magnitude plot of the output voltage vo for frequencies from 1 Hz to 10 kHz. Let R = 1 kΩ and C = 4 µF. ...
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The schematic is shown in Fig. D.45. We assume tha...
Question: D.5
Plot the forced response vo (t) in the circuit of Fig. D.35 (a) for 0 < t < 5s if the source voltage is shown in Fig. D.35(b). ...
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We draw the circuit and set the attributes as show...
Question: D.4
Assuming that i(0) = 10 A, plot the zero-input response i(t) in the circuit of Fig. D.30 for 0 < t < 4 s using PSpice. ...
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The circuit is the same as the one for Example 7.3...
Question: D.3
Plot I1 and I2 if the dc voltage source in Fig. D.20 is swept from 2 V to 10 V. ...
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We draw the schematic of the circuit and set the a...
Question: D.2
For the circuit in Fig. D.15, find the dc node voltages and the current io. ...
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We use Schematics to create the circuit. After sav...
Question: D.1
Draw the circuit in Fig. D.7 using Schematics. ...
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We will follow the three steps mentioned above. We...
Question: B.5
If A = 6 + j8, find: (a) √A, (b) A^4. ...
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(a) First, convert A to polar form:
Question: B.3
If A = 2+j5, B = 4−j6, find: (a) A^∗ (A+B), (b) (A+B)/(A−B). ...
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(a) If A = 2 + j5, then
= 2 −...
Question: B.4
Evaluate: (a) (2 + j5)(8e^j10°)/2 + j4 + 2 − 40° (b) j(3 − j4)^∗/(−1 + j6)(2 + j)² ...
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(a) Since there are terms in polar and exponential...
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