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Electronic Devices and Circuits
Permanent Magnet and Electromechanical Devices
Question: C.3.1
Apply the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method to the equations for rotational motion (5.87). ...
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The equations governing rotational motion are [lat...
Question: C.1.1
Apply Euler’s method to the equations of motion (5.86) for an electromechanical device. ...
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We reduce Eq. (5.86) to a set of algebraic equatio...
Question: A.6.3
Consider a vector A = Ax x + Ay y +Az z at a point (x, y, z) in Cartesian coordinates. Determine its location and representation in spherical coordinates. ...
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From Table A.3 the location of (x, y, z) is [latex...
Question: A.6.2
Consider a vector A = Ars rs + Aθ θ + AΦ Φ at a point (rs, θ, Φ) in spherical coordinates. Determine its location and representation in cylindrical coordinates. ...
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From Table A.2 the location of (
Question: A.6.1
Consider a vector A = Arc rc + AΦ Φ + Az z at a point (rc, Φ, z) in cylindrical coordinates. Determine its location and representation in Cartesian coordinates. ...
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From Table A.1 the location in Cartesian coordinat...
Question: A.5.2
Verify the Divergence theorem for the vector field A(x, y) = αrr + βzz where V and S are the volume and surface of the cylinder shown in Fig. A.8. Here, α and β are constants. ...
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We have already evaluated
\oint_{s} A· \hat...
Question: A.5.1
Verify Stokes’ theorem for the vector field A(x, y) = (2x – y)x – yz^2y + y^2zz where S is the half-surface of the sphere x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = a^2 and C is its bounding curve in the x-y plane (Fig. A.10). ...
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First, we evaluate
\int_{s} (∇×A) · \hat{n}...
Question: 5.15.1
Derive the equations of motion for the actuator shown in Fig. 5.53. ...
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This is a moving magnet actuator and its behavior ...
Question: A.4.3
Evaluate the integral ∮s A· ds where A(x, y) = αrr + βzz, and S is the closed surface of the cylinder shown in Fig. A.8. Here, α and β are constants. ...
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We use cylindrical coordinates. First, we determin...
Question: A.4.2
Evaluate the line integral of A(x, y) = 2xyx + x^2y along the three paths shown in Fig. A.6. ...
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Along path 1 we have
\int_{C_{1}} A(x,y)⋅dl...
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