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Physics for the IB Diploma
Question: H3.5
(a) A proton is accelerated from rest by a potential difference V. Calculate V so that the proton reaches a speed of 0.95 c after acceleration. (The rest energy of the proton is 938 MeV.) (b) What accelerating potential is required to accelerate a proton from a speed of 0.95 c to a speed of 0.99 ...
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(a) The gamma factor at a speed of 0.95 c is [late...
Question: G4.2
X-rays of wavelength 1.45 × 10^-10 m are reflected off a crystal. When the angle between the X-ray beam and the face of the crystal is increased from zero, a strong reflected beam is detected when the angle becomes 36.4°. (a) Calculate the spacing of the crystal planes responsible for this ...
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(a) Using the Bragg condition, we find
Question: F2.4
The signal in Figure F2.6 is sampled every millisecond with 16 sampling quantization levels. (a) Construct the PAM signal out of this analogue signal. (b) Express the signal as a binary code. (c) Convert the signal into a digital signal. ...
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(a) The PAM signal is shown in Figure F2.7. (b) Th...
Question: 6.2.1
A nucleus ^AZX decays by alpha decay followed by two successive beta decays. Find the atomic and mass numbers of the resulting nucleus. ...
Verified Answer:
The decay equation is
{ }_{Z}^{A} X \righta...
Question: 2.6.15
A ball is released from some height above the earth’s surface. Treat the ball and the earth as the entire system under consideration. As the ball falls, is the momentum of the system conserved? ...
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Yes, because there are no external forces on the s...
Question: 2.6.14
A ball is released from some height above the earth’s surface. Treat the ball as the entire system under consideration. As the ball falls, is the momentum of the system conserved? ...
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No, because there is an external force acting on t...
Question: 2.6.13
Two masses of 2.0 kg and 4.0 kg are held with a compressed spring between them. If the masses are released, the spring will push them away from each other. If the smaller mass moves off with a speed of 6.0 m s^-1, what is the speed of the other mass? (See Figure 6.11.) ...
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Here our system consists of the two masses and the...
Question: 2.6.12
Let a mass of 3.0 kg be standing still and a second mass of 5.0 kg come along and hit it with velocity 4.0 m s^-1. Suppose that the smaller mass moves off with a speed of 3.0 m s^-1. What happens to the larger mass? (See Figure 6.10.) ...
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The system of the two masses is an isolated system...
Question: 2.6.11
A mass of 2.0 kg moves to the right with a speed of 10.0 m s^-1 and a mass of 4.0 kg moves to the left with a speed of 8.0 m s^-1. What is the total momentum of the system? ...
Verified Answer:
P = (2 × 10 - 4 × 8) Ns = -12 N s The minus sign m...
Question: 2.6.10
Two masses of 2.0 kg and 3.0 kg move to the right with speeds of 4.0 m s^-1 and 5.0 m s^-1, respectively. What is the total momentum of the system? ...
Verified Answer:
P = (2 × 4 + 3 × 5) Ns = 23 N s
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