Raspberry Pi Cookbook: Software and Hardware Problems and Solutions


Question: 9.11

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Assuming you have a 5V volt meter, you can use a P...
Question: 9.10

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The way to do this is to use a technique called Ch...
Question: 9.9

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Use PWM to control the power to each of the red, g...
Question: 9.8

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Using the Tkinter user interface framework, write ...
Question: 12.11

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Use the Tkinter library to open a window and write...
Question: 12.10

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Use a low cost SR-04 rangefinder. These devices ne...
Question: 12.12

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Write a Python program that writes the data to a f...
Question: 12.9

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Use the DS18B20 digital temperature sensor. This d...
Question: 12.7

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Use an MCP3008 ADC chip. However, unless you need ...
Question: 12.8

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Use an analog accelerometer with a MCP3008 ADC chi...