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Statistical Mechanics
Statistical Thermodynamics Fundamentals and Applications
Question: 19.1
Employing the Lennard–Jones 6–12 potential, determine the second virial coefficient, in cm³/mol, for CH4 at 222 K. ...
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From Appendix O, the force constants for
Question: 17.2
The pre-exponential factor for the elementary chemical reaction, O + H2 → OH + H, has been determined experimentally to be 8.04 × 10^11 cm³/mol · s at 500 K. Calculate the pre-exponential factor for this reaction at the same temperature using transition state theory and compare your result with the ...
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From Eq. (17.31), the pre-exponential factor provi...
Question: 17.1
The pre-exponential factor for the elementary reaction O + H2 → OH + H has been determined experimentally to be 8.04 × 10^11 cm³/mol·s at 500 K. Calculate the pre-exponential factor for this elementary chemical reaction at the same temperature using collision theory and compare your result with the ...
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From Eqs. (17.6) and (17.19), the pre-exponential ...
Question: 16.4
Employing rigorous transport theory, determine the following transport properties for gaseous argon: (a) its dynamic viscosity at 300 K; (b) its thermal conductivity at 300 K; (c) its self-diffusion coefficient at 300 K and 1 atm. ...
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(a) From Appendix O, ε/k = 124 K and σ = 3.42 Å fo...
Question: 16.3
Employing basic transport theory, determine the following transport properties for gaseous argon: (a) its dynamic viscosity at 300 K, (b) its thermal conductivity at 300 K, and (c) its self-diffusion coefficient at 300 K and 1 atm. ...
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(a) From Eq. (15.22), the mean particle speed for ...
Question: 16.2
A vessel contains gaseous argon at 300 K and 1 atm. (a) Calculate the collision rate (collisions/s) for a typical argon atom within the vessel. (b) Determine the mean free path for argon in this vessel. ...
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(a) Employing Eq. (16.21), we can determine the co...
Question: 16.1
vessel containing gaseous argon is maintained at 300 K and 1 atm. Presuming a hard-sphere diameter of 3.42 Å, calculate the volumetric collision rate between argon atoms within the vessel. Discuss the implications of your result. ...
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From Appendices A and C, the mass of an argon atom...
Question: 10.4
Using the simplex model, show that the equilibrium constant for the chemical reaction O2 + 1/2 N2 ←→ NO2 is given by Kp = κ1 ΛN2^3/2 (P◦/kT)^1/2 ZNO2,int/ZO2,intZN2,int^1/2 exp(-κ2/T), where the thermal de Broglie wavelength is Λi = h/√2πmikT, and the constants κ1 = 1.724 and κ2 = 4320 K. ...
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From Eqs. (10.58) and (10.73), the equilibrium con...
Question: 10.3
Calculate the equilibrium constant based on pressure for the reaction, N2 + M ←→ N + N + M, at 3000 K. ...
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From Eq. (10.64), the equilibrium constant is [lat...
Question: 9.5
Employing the semirigorous model, calculate the Gibbs free energy (kJ/mol) for N2 at 3000 K and 1 bar. ...
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From Eq. (4.39), the specific Gibbs free energy ca...
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