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Thermodynamics: An Interactive Approach
Question: 15.5
Flow Through a Converging Nozzle Air is discharged from a reservoir, at 500 kPa and 500 K, through an isentropic converging nozzle with an exit area of 10 cm². Determine the mass flow rate for a back pressure of (a) 0 kPa, (b) 100 kPa, (c) 200 kPa, and (d) 300 kPa. ...
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Determine if the flow is choked for a given back p...
Question: 15.10
Non-isentropic Nozzle Analysis Carbondioxide, at 250 kPa, 600 K, enters a 90% efficient adiabatic converging nozzle with a velocity of 50 m/s. Determine the exit (a) velocity, (b) temperature, (c) velocity coefficient, and (d) discharge coefficient if the exit area is 10 cm² and the back pressure ...
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Determine if the nozzle is choked and, accordingly...
Question: 15.4
Use of an Isentropic Table In Example 15-2, assume pr = 150 kPa and Tr = 500 K. If the exit area is 10 cm² , determine (a) the exit Mach number, (b) exit velocity, (c) critical pressure, and (d) critical area. Use the isentropic table. ...
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Total temperature remaining constant along an isen...
Question: 15.3
Velocity of Sound Steam flows through a duct with a velocity of 300 m/s at 100 kPa and 200°C. Determine the velocity of sound using (a) the PG model and (b) PC model for steam. ...
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Use Eq. (15.19) for the PG model and Eq. (15.18) f...
Question: 15.2
Isentropic Discharge from a Tank Air is discharged from a large reservoir (Fig. 15.7) into the atmosphere through a nozzle. The reservoir conditions are pr = 500 kPa and Tr = 500 K, and the atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa. Assuming the flow to be isentropic and the exit pressure to be the same as ...
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Use isentropic relation to obtain the exit tempera...
Question: 14.13
Emission Calculation Methane is burned with 125% theoretical air in an open-steady combustor. The products leave at 1 MPa, 2000 K at equilibrium with the following species in the products: CO2, H2O, O2, N2, and NO. Determine (a) the mole fraction of NO in the mixture and (b) heat transfer, per unit ...
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Set up the overall reaction in terms of six unknow...
Question: 14.12
Use of van’t Hoff Equation (a) Use van’t Hoff equation to estimate the heat of combustion for the reaction CO + 0.5O2 → CO2 at 2000 K. (b) Use TEST to verify the result. ...
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Use of van’t Hoff equation to obtain enthalpy of c...
Question: 14.10
Equilibrium Composition One kmol of hydrogen and one kmol of oxygen react to produce an equilibrium mixture of water, hydrogen, and oxygen at 2500 K. (a) Determine the equilibrium molar composition if the mixture pressure is 1 atm. What-if scenario: What would the mole fraction of water in ...
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The elementary step
H _{2}+0.5 O _{2} \lef...
Question: 14.2
Equilibrium of an Ideal Gas Mixture A natural gas reservoir contains a mixture of methane and nitrogen at 298 K. At the top of the well, the mixture pressure is 100 kPa and the molar composition is found to be 50% methane and 50% nitrogen. Determine (a) the pressure and (b) the molar composition ...
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Determine the partial pressure of each component a...
Question: 14.1
Entropy Maximum Principle A 2 kg copper block at 100°C is brought in thermal contact with a 5 kg aluminum block at 50°C. Treating the combined system as an isolated system, determine the final temperature (a) by assuming that at equilibrium the temperatures of the two blocks are equal and (b) by ...
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Perform an energy and entropy analysis of the clos...
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