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Question 1.3: 30 kg of oil has been poured in the cubical tank with all si......

30 kg of oil has been poured in the cubical tank with all sides of 0.3 m. Find the mass density and specific gravity.

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Mass of oil = 30 kg

Length of side of cubical tank = 0.3 m

Volume of tank, V = (0.3)³ m³

= 0.027 m³

So, mass density,

\begin{aligned} \rho & =\frac{m}{V}=\frac{30}{0.027} \\ & =1111.11  kg / m ^3 \end{aligned}

Specific gravity,

\begin{aligned} G & =\frac{\rho_{\text {oil }}}{\rho_{\text {water }}} \\ G & =\frac{1111.11}{1000}=1.111 \end{aligned}

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