Question 9.14: A Modest Household Demand. Estimate the monthly energy deman......

A Modest Household Demand. Estimate the monthly energy demand for a cabin with all ac appliances, consisting of a 19-cu. ft refrigerator, six 30-W compact fluorescents (CFLs) used 5 h/day, a 19-in. TV turned on 3 h/day and connected to a satellite, a cordless phone, a 1000-W microwave used 6 min/day, and a 100-ft deep well that supplies 120 gallons/day.

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Using data from Table 9.10, we can put together the following table of power and energy demands. The total is just over 3.11 kWh/day.
Notice how little of the energy for TV/satellite is used during the 3 h that it is actually turned on (255 Wh out of a total of 698 Wh, or 36.5%). This household really needs to provide a power strip to allow manual complete shut off of these electricity vampires.

Appliance Power (W) Hours Watt-hours/day Percentage
Refrigerator, 19  cu. ft 300 1140 37%
Lights (6 @ 30  W) 180 5 900 29%
TV, 19-in., active mode 68 3 204 7%
TV, 19-in., standby mode 5.1 21 107 3%
Satellite, active mode 17 3 51 2%
Satellite, standby mode 16 21 336 11%
Cordless phone 4 24 96 3%
Microwave 1000 0.1 100 3%
Washing machine 250 0.2 50 2%
Well pump, 100  ft, 1.6  gpm 100 1.25 125 4%
Total 3109 100%
TABLE 9.10 Power Requirements of Typical Loads
Kitchen Appliances Power
Refrigerator: ac EnergyStar, 14 cu. ft 300 W, 1080 Wh/day
Refrigerator: ac EnergyStar, 19 cu. ft 300 W, 1140 Wh/day
Refrigerator: ac EnergyStar, 22 cu. ft 300 W, 1250 Wh/day
Refrigerator: dc Sun Frost, 12 cu. ft 58 W, 560 Wh/day
Freezer: ac 7.5 cu. ft 300 W, 540 Wh/day
Freezer: dc Sun Frost, 10 cu. ft 88 W, 880 Wh/day
Electric range (small burner) 1250 W
Electric range (large burner) 2100 W
Dishwasher: cool dry 700 W
Dishwasher: hot dry 1450 W
Microwave oven 750–1100 W
Coffeemaker (brewing) 1200 W
Coffeemaker (warming) 600 W
Toaster 800–1400 W
General Household
Clothes washer: vertical axis 500 W
Clothes washer: horizontal axis 250 W
Dryer (gas) 500 W
Vacuum cleaner 1000–1400 W
Furnace fan: 1/4 hp 600 W
Furnace fan: 1/3 hp 700 W
Furnace fan: 1/2 hp 875 W
Ceiling fan 65–175 W
Whole house fan 240–750 W
Air conditioner: window, 10,000 Btu 1200 W
Heater (portable) 1200–1875 W
Compact fluorescent lamp (100-W equivalent) 30 W
Compact fluorescent lamp (60-W equivalent) 16 W
Electric blanket, single/double 60/100 W
Clothes iron 1000–1800 W
Electric clock 4 W
Consumer Electronics
TV: >39-in. (active/standby) 142/3.5 W
TV: 25 to 27-in. color (active/standby) 90/4.9 W
TV: 19 to 20-in. color (active/standby) 68/5.1 W
Analog cable box (active/standby) 12/11 W
Satellite receiver (active/standby) 17/16 W
VCR (active/standby) 17/5.9 W
Component stereo (active/standby) 44/3 W
Compact stereo (active/standby) 22/9.8 W
Cordless phone 4 W
Clock radio (active/standby) 2.0/1.7 W
Computer, desktop (active/idle/standby) 125/80/2.2 W
Laptop computer 20 W
Ink-jet printer 35 W
Dot-matrix printer 200 W
Laser printer 900 W
Circular saw, 7 {1}/{4^{\prime \prime}} 900 W
Table saw, 10-in. 1800 W
Hand drill, {1}/{4^{\prime \prime}} 250 W
Water Pumping
Centrifugal pump: 36 Vdc, 50-ft @ 10 gpm 450 W
Submersible pump: 24 Vdc, 100-ft @ 1.6 gpm 100 W
Submersible pump: 48 Vdc, 300-ft @ 1.5 gpm 180 W
DC pump (house pressure system), typical use 1–2 h/day 60 W
Source: Rosen and Meier (2000) and others.

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