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Question 16.4: Degree of Polymerization for 6,6-Nylon Calculate the degree ......

Degree of Polymerization for 6,6-Nylon
Calculate the degree of polymerization if 6,6-nylon has a molecular weight of 120,000 g/mol.

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The reaction by which 6,6-nylon is produced was described in Example 16-3. Hexamethylene diamine and adipic acid combine and release a molecule of water. When a long chain forms, there is, on average, one water molecule released for each reacting molecule. The molecular weights are 116 g/mol for hexamethylene diamine, 146 g/mol for adipic acid, and 18 g/mol for water. The repeat unit for 6,6-nylon is

\begin{matrix} \ \ \ \ \ \underset{|}{H} \ \quad \underset{|}{H} \quad \underset{|}{H} \quad \underset{|}{H} \quad \underset{|}{H} \quad \underset{|}{H} \quad \ \underset{|}{H} \quad \ \underset{|}{H} \ \quad \underset{||}{O} \quad \underset{|}{H} \quad \ \underset{|}{H} \quad \underset{|}{H} \quad \underset{|}{H} \quad \ \underset{||}{O} \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ H-N-C-C-C-C-C-C-N-C-C-C-C-C-C-O-H \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \quad \overset{|}{H} \quad \overset{|}{H} \ \quad \overset{|}{H} \ \quad \overset{|}{H} \quad \overset{|}{H} \quad \overset{|}{H} \ \ \ \ \quad \quad \ \ \ \ \quad \ \overset{|}{H} \quad \overset{|}{H} \quad \overset{|}{H} \quad \ \overset{|}{H}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \end{matrix}   

The molecular weight of the repeat unit is the sum of the molecular weights of the two monomers, minus that of the two water molecules that are evolved:
M_{repeat \ unit} = 116 + 146 – 2(18) = 226 g/mol
Degree of polymerization = \frac{120,000 \ g/mol}{226 \ g/mol} = 531
The degree of polymerization refers to the total number of repeat units in the chain.

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