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Question 7.SSE.5: Write down the reactions involved in the preparation of the ......

Write down the reactions involved in the preparation of the following using the reagents indicated against it in parenthesis: Propionic anhydride from propionaldehyde \left[ AgNO _3 / NH _4 OH , P _2 O _5\right]

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CH _3 CH _2 CHO +[ O ]  \overset{AgNO _3 / NH _4 OH}{\underset{\text { Tollen's reagent }}{\xrightarrow {\hspace{2 cm}} }}  CH _3 CH _2 COOH +2 Ag


\begin{matrix} \\ && CH _3 CH _2 CO\\ &&& \diagdown \\ CH _3 CH _2 COOH & \overset{P _2 O_5}{\underset{\text {Heat}}{\xrightarrow {\hspace{2 cm}} }} &&& O &+&H_2O \\ + &&&\diagup \\ CH _3 CH _2 COOH && CH _3 CH _2 CO \\ &&\text {Propionic anhydride} \end{matrix}

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