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Mechanical Engineering
Classical Mechanics
Question: 6.8
Finding 3-D potential energies (a) Show that the uniform gravity field F = −mgk is conservative with potential energy V = mgz. (b) Show that any force field of the form F = h(r)r (a central field) is conservative with potential energy V = −H(r), where H(r) ...
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Since the potential energies are given, it is suff...
Question: 6.Q.2
Does P leave the surface of the sphere? For the particular case in which u = (3gb)^1/2, show that P will leave the surface of the sphere, and find the value of θ at which it does so. ...
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u=(3 g b)^{1 / 2}
, the formul...
Question: 8.3
Proving existence of a limit cycle Prove that the autonomous system of ODEs x = x − y − (x² + y²)x, y = x + y − (x² + y²)y, has a limit cycle. ...
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This system clearly has an equilibrium point at th...
Question: 8.4
Rayleigh’s equation has a limit cycle Show that Rayleigh’s equation x + εx (x² − 1 ) + x = 0, has a limit cycle for any positive value of the parameter ε. ...
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Rayleigh’s equation arose in his theory of the bow...
Question: 9.3
Internal energy of three charged particles Three particles P1, P2, P3 carry electric charges e1, e2, e3 respectively. Find the internal potential energy Ψ. ...
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In cgs/electrostatic units, the particles
Question: 9.7
Stability of a plank on a log A uniform thin rigid plank is placed on top of a rough circular log and can roll without slipping. Show that the equilibrium position, in which the plank rests symmetrically on top of the log, is stable. ...
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Suppose that the plank is disturbed from its equil...
Question: 9.8
Moment of inertia of a hoop Find the moment of inertia of a uniform hoop of mass M and radius a about its axis of rotational symmetry. ...
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This is the easiest case to treat since each parti...
Question: 9.12
Cylinder rolling down a plane A uniform hollow circular cylinder is rolling down a rough plane inclined at an angle α to the horizontal. Find the acceleration of the cylinder. ...
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Suppose that, at time t, the cylinder has displace...
Question: 10.7
Using the elastic scattering formulae In an experiment, particles of mass m and energy E are used to bombard stationary target particles of mass 2m. ...
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Q. The experimenters wish to select particles that...
Question: 11.2
Total moment of gravity forces A system S moves under uniform gravity. Show that the total moment of the gravity forces about any point is the same as if all the mass of S were concentrated at its centre of mass. ...
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Without losing generality, let the point about whi...
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