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Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Question: 14.9
The results of subsurface exploration and laboratory testing indicate a site class C. The structural engineer has reported that the preliminary category for the proposed structure is Seismic Design Category D. The engineering geologist has determined that the probabilistic MCEG peak ground ...
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Since the structural engineer has determined that ...
Question: 14.7
Determine the site class for the subsoil profile shown in Fig. 11.21. Assume the site will be subjected to strong ground shaking during the design earthquake. ...
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The upper layer consists of very soft organic silt...
Question: 14.6
Solve Prob. 14.4 for the condition of Layer Nos. 3 and 4 being sand with a (N1)60 = 12 for Layer 3 and (N1)60 = 8 for Layer 4. ...
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The upper two layers remain the same and hence for...
Question: 14.5
Solve Prob. 14.4 for the condition of Layer No. 4 being sand with (N1)60 = 55. ...
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The upper three layers remain the same and hence b...
Question: 14.4
The table below summarizes the results of subsurface exploration. Determine the site class. ...
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The procedure is as follows: Step 1: Check site cl...
Question: 14.3
For Prob. 6.12, which includes Fig. 6.13, determine the site class. ...
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The standard penetration test data indicates that ...
Question: 14.2
Solve Prob. 14.1 assuming the retaining wall is restrained. Compare this answer to the value based on the equation ko = 1 – sin Φ. ...
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In Fig. 10.5, the soil is described as “sand backf...
Question: 13.2
Use the data from Prob. 13.1 and an effective friction angle Φ’ between the pile surface and the surface soil layer and sand layer of 28°. Assume that k0 = 0.5 and that the last location for the earthquake-induced pore water pressures to dissipate will be just above the clayey fine sand layer. ...
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Divide the soil into two layers, as follows: Layer...
Question: 11.14
For Prob. 11.13, is the dowdrag load a considerable amount when compared to the increase in allowable bearing pressure for seismic loading conditions? ...
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From Prob. 11.5, the one-third increase in allowab...
Question: 11.13
In Fig. 11.21, assume at Boring B-25 that the uppermost soil layer (silt, silty sand, and peat layer) extends from elevation -2 to -5 m and the light gray silty sand layer extends from elevation -5 to -8 m. It is anticipated that the site will be subjected to significant earthquake shaking and that ...
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Calculate the downdrag load for each layer. For th...
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