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Question 19.5: Design of a Semiconductor Design a p-type semiconductor base......

Design of a Semiconductor
Design a p-type semiconductor based on silicon, which provides a constant conductivity of 100 ohm^{-1} ⋅ cm^{-1} over a range of temperatures. Compare the required concentration of acceptor atoms in Si with the concentration of Si atoms.

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In order to obtain the desired conductivity, we must dope the silicon with atoms having a valence of +3, adding enough dopant to provide the required number of charge carriers. If we assume that the number of intrinsic carriers is small compared to the dopant concentration, then
σ = N_{a}qμ_{p}
where σ = 100 ohm^{-1} · cm^{-1} and μ_{p} = 480 cm²/(V · s). Note that electron and hole mobilities are properties of the host material (i.e., silicon in this case) and not the dopant species. If we remember that a coulomb can be expressed as ampere-seconds and voltage can be expressed as ampere-ohm, the number of charge carriers required is
N_{a} = \frac{σ}{qμ_{p}}= \frac{100 \ ohm^{-1} \ cm^{-1}}{(1.6 × 10^{-19} \ A  ·  s)[480 \ cm^2/(A · ohm · s)]} = 1.30 × 10^{18} acceptor atoms/cm³
Assume that the lattice constant of Si remains unchanged as a result of doping:
N_{a} = \frac{(1 \ \text{hole/dopant} \ \text{atom})(x \ \text{dopant} \ \text{atom}/\text{Si} \ \text{atom})(8 \ Si \ \text{atoms/unit} \ \text{cell})}{(5.4307 × 10^{-8} \ cm)^3/\text{unit} \ \text{cell}}
x = (1.30 × 10^{18})(5.4307 × 10^{-8})^3/8 = 26 × 10^{-6} dopant atom/Si atom
or 26dopant atoms/10^6 Si atoms
Possible dopants include boron, aluminum, gallium, and indium. High-purity chemicals and clean room conditions are essential for processing since we need 26 dopant atoms per million silicon atoms.

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