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Question 10.6: Determine the cost-effectiveness of using a unit with an eff......

Determine the cost-effectiveness of using a unit with an efficiency of 98.50% rather than 98.95% (NEMA Premium) for a 225 kVA rated transformer. Assume that
• The cost of electricity is $0.12/kWh
• The installed costs of 98.5% and 98.95% efficient transformers are $5950 and $7100, respectively
• The average power factor of the load 0.90

For the analysis, consider that the transformer is used on average at 75% of its capacity for 8760 \ h/year

TABLE 10.10
Comparison of Energy Efficiency Values for Baseline, Department of Energy Regulations, and National Electrical Manufacturers Association Premium Classifications

NEMA Premium Efficiency (%)^c Efficiency DOE Regulations (%)^b Baseline Efficiency (%)^a Rating (kVA)
97.90 97.89 97 15
98.25 98.23 97.50 30
98.23 98.40 97.70 45
98.60 98.60 98.80 75
98.74 98.74 98.20 112.5
98.81 98.83 98.30 150
98.95 98.94 98.50 225
99.02 99.02 98.60 300
99.09 99.14 98.70 500
99.16 99.23 98.80 750
99.23 99.28 98.90 1000
^a These values are based on NEMA TP-1 2002.

^b These values are based on DOE regulations of final rule of 10 CRR 431 effective January 2016.

^c These values are based on NEMA EL-3, CSL-3


TABLE 10.11
Comparison of Typical Energy Efficiency Values and Losses for 1973 and 2013 Transformers

2013 Transformers (Full Load) 1973 Transformers (Full Load) Rating (kVA)
Total Losses (W) Energy Efficiency (%) Total Losses (W) Energy Efficiency (%)
551 96.8 740 95.3 15
904 97.2 1250 96 30
1027 97.9 1620 96.6 45
1782 97.7 2570 96.8 75
2521 97.9 1400 97.6 112.5
2760 98.3 1830 97.6 150
4047 98.3 4775 98 225
5338 98.9 5400 98.3 300
5858 98.9 8300 98.4 500
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To determine the cost-effectiveness of installing an energy-efficient transformer, a simplified economic analysis based on the payback period is used. The savings in energy losses in kWh for the high-efficiency transformer can be calculated using Equation 10.6:

kWh_{saved}=N_h\cdot kVA\cdot LF\cdot pf\cdot \left\lgroup\frac{1}{\eta _{std}}-\frac{1}{\eta _{eff}} \right\rgroup                    (10.6)

kWh_{saved}=8760*225*0.90*0.75*\left\lgroup\frac{1}{0.9850}-\frac{1}{0.9895} \right\rgroup =6143 \ kWh/year

Therefore, the payback period, SPP, for using the efficient transformer is

SPP=\frac{\$7100-\$5950}{6143 \ kWh*\$0.12/kWh}=1.56 \ years

Note, for retrofit application, and if the existing one is operating normally (and thus does not need to be replaced), the payback would be estimated as follows:

SPP=\frac{\$7100}{6143 \ kWh*\$0.12/kWh}=9.63 \ years

It is clear that it can be cost-effective to consider investing in a more energy-efficient transformer for new constructions. However, it may not be cost-effective to replace an existing and functional transformer for retrofit applications.

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