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Question 7.P.19: Determine the diameter of the pipe (smooth) required to conv......

Determine the diameter of the pipe (smooth) required to convey 150 l of kerosene over a length 1000 m with the loss of head by friction limited to 10 m of kerosene. Density = 810 kg/m³, kinematic viscosity = 2.37 × 10^{–6} m²/s

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In this problem also as in P. 7.18, trial is necessary. Assume f = 0.012

Neglecting dynamic head, As u = Q/A,

10 = [(0.012 × 1000)/(2 × 9.81 × D)] × [(0.15 × 4)/(πD²)]²

∴               u = (4 × 0.15)/πD², Simplifying

D^{5} = [(0.012 × 1000)/(2 × 9.81 × 10)] × [(0.15² × 4²)/π²] \\ = 2.231 × 10^{–3}

∴               D = 0.295 m and u = 2.195 m/s

Re = 0.295 × 2.195/2.37 × 10^{–6} = 0.273 × 10^{6}

Refer eqn. 7.11.11,      f = 0.0032 + (0.221/Re^{0.0237}) = 0.0146

Assuming f = 0.014, to repeat the procedure

10 = [(0.014 × 10000)/(2 × 9.81 × D)] × [(0.15 × 4)/πD²]²

∴               D^{5} = [(0.014 × 1000)/(2 × 9.82 × 10)] [(0.15² × 4²)/π²] = 2.6 × 10^{–3}

D = 0.304 m,   u = 0.15 × 4/π × 0.304² = 2.065 m/s

Re = 2.065 × 0.304/2.37 × 10^{–6} = 0.265 × 10^{6} \\ f = 0.0032 + 0.221/(0.265 × 10^{6})^{0.237} = 0.01466

The answer can be refined further using this value of f and reworking on the same lines.

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