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Question 4.P.9: How much money must be deposited in a savings account each m......

How much money must be deposited in a savings account each month to accumulate $10 000 at the end of 5 years, if the bank pays interest at the rate of 6% per year, compounded (a) monthly? (b) semiannually? (c) quarterly? (d) daily?

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In each case use (2.4), with the appropriate substitutions.

A/F  =  (F/A)^{-1}  =  \frac{i}{(1  +  i)^n  –  1}    (2.4)

(a) A  =  \$10  000\frac{0.06112}{(1  +  0.06112)^{(12)(5)}  –  1}  =  \$10  000\frac{0.005}{0.34885}  =  \$143.33 per month

(b) A  =  \$10  000\frac{0.0612}{(1  +  0.0612)^{(2)(5)}  –  1}  =  \$10  000\frac{0.03}{0.34392}  =  \$872.30 every 6 months

or $872.3016 = $145.38 per month.

(c) A  =  \$10  000\frac{0.0614}{(1  +  0.0614)^{(4)(5)}  –  1}  =  \$10  000\frac{0.015}{0.34686}  =  \$432.45 per quarter

or $432.4513 = $144.15 per month.

(d) r  =  \frac{6\%}{12}  =  0.005        \alpha  =  30 \\\\ i  =  \left(1  +  \frac{0.005}{30}\right)^{30}  –  1  =  .0050121 \\\\ A  =  \$10  000\frac{0.0050121}{(1  +  0.0050121)^{(12)(5)}  –  1}  =  \$10  000\frac{0.0050121}{0.34982}  =  \$143.28 per month

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