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Electric Circuits
Fundamentals of High-Frequency CMOS Analog Integrated Circuits
Question: 4.5
A three-stage staggered tuned amplifier will be designed with a center frequency of 2 GHz, having a voltage gain of 40 dB and a Chebyshev-type frequency characteristic with 0.5 dB ripple and 380 MHz bandwidth. The design will be made for a technology similar to the 0.35 micron AMS technology, but ...
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From Fig. 4.20(b) we see that the bandwidth of the...
Question: 4.11
A source degenerated cascode LNA as shown in Fig. 4.50(b) will be designed for f0 = 1.86 GHz (ω0 = 1.17 10^10 rad/s). The restrictions are as follows. The technology is similar to the AMS 0.35 micron technology but has a thick metal layer that permits us to realize reasonably high-Q on-chip ...
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The design can be initiated at one of several poss...
Question: 5.1
A differential oscillator will be designed for f0 = 1.6 GHz. The inductor to be used will be selected from a library in which there are 1 nH, 2 nH, 5 nH and 10 nH inductors with Qeff = 7. The transistors have characteristics similar to AMS 0.35 micron technology. It is assumed that a 1 V bias ...
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The schematic of the circuit together with the tai...
Question: 4.8
A 10 μH inductance is needed. The transconductance values of the OTAs that will be used to implement the gyrator are 0.5 mS each. Calculate the value of the capacitor to be connected to the output port of the gyrator. ...
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From (4.66)
Question: 4.7
Calculate the value of the coupling capacitance for the circuit shown in Fig. 4.24(a) to obtain a 0.5 dB ripple Chebyshev-type response. Assume that there is no magnetic coupling. ...
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From (4.61)
C_k=-\frac{k}{\omega_0^2 \sqrt{...
Question: 4.6
A double-tuned amplifier has a load as shown in Fig. 4.24(a). The center frequency of the response is 2 GHz. Effective quality factors of both sides were adjusted to 20 with an appropriate Q-enhancement circuit, which corresponds to a parallel effective resistance of Rp1 = Rp2 = 2512 ohm. ...
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(a). The value of the coupling coefficient can be ...
Question: 4.4
A three-stage staggered tuned amplifier having a Butterworth-type frequency characteristic will be designed. The center frequency of the frequency characteristic is 1 GHz. The maximum possible effective Q value for the resonance circuits – without any Q-enhancement feature – is given as 20. ...
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The pole–zero diagram of the voltage gain function...
Question: 4.3
Check the validity of the assumption of ω0Cdg << gm for a typical 0.13 micron NMOS transistor operating in the velocity saturation regime. The operating frequency of the amplifier is 3 GHz. ...
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Under velocity saturation (which is the case for a...
Question: 3.2
A transimpedance amplifier will be designed with a low-frequency “gain” of 2000 ohm (66 dBΩ), flat up to 1 GHz, delivering a rail-to rail output voltage swing to a CL= 1 pF external capacitive load. The internal impedance of the driving current signal source is 10 k ohm parallel to 50 fF ...
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The circuit diagram is as shown in Fig. 3.25. The ...
Question: 4.2
Consider the problem of increasing the Q = 10 of an on-chip parallel resonance circuit to 20. ...
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The resonance frequency, the inductance, and the c...
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