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Question 2.16: Determine the minimum bandwidth required to achieve a P(e) o......

Determine the minimum bandwidth required to achieve a P(e) of 10^{-7} for an 8-PSK system operating at 10 Mbps with a carrier-to-noise power ratio of 11.7 dB.

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From Figure 48, the minimum E_{b}/N_{0} ratio to achieve a P(e) of 10^{-7} for an 8-PSK system is 14.7 dB. The minimum bandwidth is found by rearranging Equation 44:

\frac{E_{b}}{N_{0}}=\frac{C}{N}×\frac{B}{f_{b}}       (44)


= 14.7 dB – 11.7 dB = 3 dB

\frac{B}{f_{b}} = antilog 3 = 2

B = 2 × 10 Mbps = 20 MHz


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